Club Constitution
Constitution of the Early Falcon Car Club of Queensland.
1.1 |
To bring together people who own or have an interest
in the Ford Falcon Motor Vehicle |
1.2 |
To promote motor sport activities and social
gatherings to which members and their invited guests can enjoy meeting persons
with similar interests. |
1.3 |
To seek and obtain various discounts with business
houses and exchange technical advice to its members |
1.4 |
To liaise with other clubs so as to broaden the
clubs knowledge and raise the public awareness to the club. |
1.5 |
To participate in and organise when required
activities of a sporting nature deemed relevant by the clubs membership
committee. |
1.6 |
The assets and income of the organisation shall be
applied exclusively to the promotion of its object and no portion shall be paid
or distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the organisation except
as bona fide remuneration for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf
of the organisation. |
2.1 |
Membership shall be open to any
person or persons interested in furthering the idea and aims of the club with no
number limits. |
2.2 |
Full membership extends to
owners of Ford Falcon cars or vehicles attaining 30 years of
age. |
2.2.1 |
Full family membership will be as described on membership form or renewal.
Full membership entitles member to full voting rights and the right to hold an
executive position. |
2.3 |
Associate membership is open to
any person or persons with an interest in the club, but holds no voting rights
or office positions. |
2.4 |
All applications must be made
in writing addressed to the Executive Committee |
2.5 |
All applications must be
accompanied by the appropriate application and membership fees that are current
and applicable at the time. |
2.6 |
Membership is conditional upon
members abiding by the rules and constitution and the club by laws. Renewal of
membership is not automatic. |
2.7 |
Application for full membership
to be voted by a quorom of members. Applicant must be present in person. Vote to
take place at meeting, run or event with sufficient club members in
attendance. |
3.1 |
The management of the club
shall be vested in the Executive Committee which shall consist of the following
positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, assisted by the club
officials/office bearers as decided from time to time by the
committee. |
3.2 |
The President/ or in his/her
absence the Vice President shall be the chairman of all the meetings. |
3.3 |
The common seal of the club
shall be held by the secretary and any two signatories of the current committee
shall be deemed able to execute under the seal. |
4.1 |
The Executive Committee shall
have the power to make and proclaim any by law for the betterment of the club,
and which shall not be in opposition to the club rules and
constitution. |
4.2 |
The Executive Committee shall
have the power to invite any other person or persons to attend committee
meetings who maybe of assistance to it in a professional, technical or in a
skilled manner, for the advice and guidance: The guest of the committee shall
have no claim to vote. |
5.1 |
The office bearers shall be
elected at the annual general meeting and shall hold office for a period of 12
months from the annual general meeting. |
5.2 |
The office bearers shall
consist of the positions nominated in clause 3.1. |
5.3 |
The whole of the Executive
Committee and office bearers shall reture at the end of each 12 month period and
shall be eligible to stand for re-election. |
5.4 |
Any office becoming vacant
during the 12 month period maybe filled by a member of the Executive Committee
or a financial member of the club which the executive committee votes
in. |
5.5 |
The person elected as a
replacement shall hold office until the next annual general meeting. |
5.6 |
Any office bearer or member of
the Executive Committee failing to attend three consecutive committee meetings
without apology or just cause shall thereby render themselves liable to
dismissal from office and or the committee. The President is to take the final
decision and the event of the President failing to attend the decision falls
onto the vice president. |
6.1 |
The election of members to the
Executive Committee shall take place in the following manner. |
6.2 |
Any two financial members of
the club may nominate another financial member to serve on the
committee. |
6.3 |
Nomination must be in writing
on the official forms provided by the out-going committee and forwarded to the
secretary 21 days prior to the annual general meeting. |
6.4 |
The nominated member shall be
contacted by the out-going president to obtain their agreement to serve if
elected. |
6.5 |
The nominated financial member
may decline. |
6.6 |
A list of the names of
candidates for each position, in alphabetical order shall be available to
financial members 14 days prior to the annual general meeting. |
6.7 |
Ballot papers shall be mailed
to country members of the club. |
6.8 |
Ballot papers shall be prepared
containing the names of the candidates only. |
6.9 |
Each ordinary member present at
the annual general meeting shall be entitled to vote for any candidate nominated
for a position. Not exceeding one vote per office position. |
6.10 |
If two or more candidates
obtain an equal number of votes after country and local ballots have been
counted, a further ballot for that position will be held, restricted to such
candidates and voted by all members present at the annual general
meeting. |
6.11 |
All country ballots must be
returned prior to the election of office bearers for them to be valid. |
6.12 |
The Secretary will conduct the
ballot after the out-going President stands down the previous
committee. |
6.13 |
In preparation for the new
committee, the secretary shall prepare a letter to the bank where deposit
accounts are held advising of changes of signatories to accounts. |
6.14 |
In preparation for the new
committee, the Secretary shall request via mail to the office of Fair Trading,
GPO Box 3111, Brisbane Qld 4001, copies of relevant forms/and or applications to
amend their records regarding changes to office bearers and our registered
office address. (This will be automatic if the clubs audited accounts have been
submitted to the above office). |
6.15 |
Nominations for vacant
positions will only be accepted from the floor of the annual general meeting if
no nominations have been received prior. If nominations for positions had been
received and placed on ballot paper, no nominations will be accepted from the
floor. |
7 |
Powers of the Committee |
7.1 |
The committee in addition to
the powers stated herein-after shall have control of finances: power to engage
control, dismiss club servants and all administrative powers that may be
necessary to carry out the ideas and aims of the club in accordance with this
constitution. |
8 |
Duties of the Honorary Treasurer |
8.1 |
The treasurer shall keep the
accounts of the club and shall make up the annual statement and balance sheet of
the club as at the 30th April of each year. After audit, this report will be
prepared, printed and circulated to all members with the notice of the annual
general meeting, and control custody of the books, documents, instruments of
title and securities of the club. |
8.2 |
The funds of the club shall be
banked in the name of the club and the bank accounts shall be operated by any
two of the following office bearers: President, Vice President, Secretary or
Treasurer. |
8.3 |
All accounts outstanding shall
be presented to the Executive Committee before being passed for
payment. |
8.4 |
An auditor shall be elected or
appointed by the executive committee and it shall be their responsibility to
examine all accounts, vouchers, receipt books, etc and furnish a report thereon
to the executive committee in time for presentation at the annual general
meeting. |
8.5 |
Audits shall be conducted at
regular intervals not exceeding 12 months. |
8.6 |
The financial year for the club
shall conclude as at 30th April of each year. |
8.7 |
No two signatories of any
financial accounts shall reside at the same residence. |
8.8 |
A treasurer's report is to be
supplied to the members at each general meeting. |
9 |
Duties of Honorary Secretary |
9.1 |
The secretary shall conduct the
correspondence of the club and subject to the control of the committee, shall
have custody of all documents belonging to the club. |
9.2 |
They shall keep full and
correct minutes of all proceedings of the club and of the committee. |
9.3 |
At least seven clear days
notice of intention to convene a meeting shall be given by the secretary to all
financial members. Any notice of motion intended to be put to the meeting shall
be delivered to the secretary no later than three days prior to the date fixed
for the meeting. It shall be the responsibility of all members to notify the
secretary of any change of address. |
9.4 |
The secretary shall have the
duty to keep and amend the membership register as
required. |
10.1 |
Committee meetings may be held
at a time and venue agreed upon by the committee. The number of meetings must
comply with the relevant authority requirements, however must be a minimum of
six meetings per year and may be held at times in conjunction with general
meetings. |
10.2 |
At annual general meetings,
special meetings or ordinary meetings a quorom of double the Executive Committee
number plus one and at Executive meetings three members |
10.3 |
The annual general meeting
shall be held on the general meeting date in June. |
10.3.1 |
Any decision of the Executive Committee or of the members at any meeting
save and except as elsewhere provided otherwise shall be decided by the majority
of those present and voting. |
10.4 |
The Chairman has no deliberate
vote but a casting vote. Motions upon which the voting is equally for and
against the chairman shall have the final casting vote. |
10.5 |
The committee may call an
extraordinary general meeting when any question of urgent importance shall arise
and shall be bound to do so on receiving a request signed by 10 financial
members of the club or by a member who has been expelled by the committee and
has duly given notice of their desire to appeal to an extraordinary general
meeting. |
11 |
Amendment of the Constitution |
11.1 |
The constitution may be amended
at a general meeting or special meeting convended for the purpose provided that
the amendment is approved by at least two thirds of the members present and
voting at the special/general meeting. |
12.1 |
The club shall be dissolved in
the event of the membership being less than 5 persons or upon the vote of the
majority of the members present at a special meeting convened to consider such a
question. Upon dissolution, assets and funds on hand may after payment of all
expenses and liabilities be handed over to another club of similar interest such
as stated in article 1 of the constitution of such registered charity as a
majority of the members present at a general meeting may
decided. |
13 |
Payment of Subscription Dues |
13.1 |
Annual subscriptions will be
payable on the first day of July in each year. |
13.2 |
Any member who's subscription
is unpaid on the last day of August shall cease to be a member and the name of
such members shall be cancelled from the books of the club. A member making
application to renew membership within 12 months of 1st July of the current
financial year maybe replaced by the committee upon available vacancy and on
payment of all arrears plus administration fee. |
13.3 |
Any person wishing to join the
club between the 1st of May and the 30th June of each year shall have their
renewal date set for the first of July the following year. |
13.4 |
Any person wishing to make
application for a pro rata renewal to be applied in their second year of
membership may do so in writing for the consideration of the executive
committee. |
14 |
Address of Members to be
Registered |
14.1 |
A current membership register
shall be kept by the Secretary and updated as required. |
14.2 |
Every member shall from time to
time communicate their address to the secretary. Such address shall be inserted
in the membership register and all notice sent by post to such address shall be
deemed to have been duly delivered two days after the day
posting. |
15.1 |
A member may at any time by
giving notice in writing to the secretary withdraw membership from the club but
shall continue to be liable for annual subscriptions due and unpaid at the date
of such resignation. |
15.2 |
Any member having discharged
all liabilities to the club and wishing to rejoin may upon an available vacancy
be proposed and balloted for, in accordance with rules and the committee may at
their discretion excuse payment of any entrance
fee. |
16.1 |
If any member shall refuse or
neglect to comply with any of the rules or by-laws of the or be guilty of
conduct which in the opinion of the Executive Committee is injurious to the
character in the interest of the club, the committee may call upon the member to
make an explanation either in writing or by personal attendance before the
meeting of the committee (arranged especially for the purpose). And after
considering the matter at such a meeting including the explanation (if any)
offered by the member concerned at least two thirds of the Executive Committee
present, are of the opinion that the charge has been sustained, the majority
thereof as aforesaid expel such a member. |
16.2 |
The committee shall in writing
advise the member concerned of its decision. A member who has been expelled as
foresaid may within 30 days thereafter give notice in writing to the secretary
of their desire to appeal before an extraordinary general meeting of the club at
which the member shall be given an opportunity to attend and make a statement.
After considering such an appeal shall be given an opportunity to attend and
make as statement. After considering such an appeal such extraordinary general
meeting may affirm or reverse the decision of the
committee. |
17.1 |
Any member in accordance with
rules or otherwise ceasing to be a member of the club shall forfeit all such
rights to or claim upon the club, of its property as the otherwise would have by
reason of membership. |
18.1 |
No member shall take away or
permit to be taken away from the club under any pretext whatsoever or shall
injure or destroy any newspaper, pamphlet, book or other article which is the
property of the club. |
18.2 |
Club property shall be held by
a custodian as designated by the committee. |
19.1 |
All complaints shall be made in
writing to the secretaries who, if they be unable to deal with, then submit them
to the committee whose decision shall be deemed
final. |
20.1 |
The committee has the invested
power to make, repeal and amend such bi-laws as they consider necessary for the
proper conduct of the club. By-laws made aforesaid shall have effect until
otherwise determined by the committee or a general meeting of the club. In
particular but not exclusively such bi-laws may provide for and
regulate. |
20.2 |
Generally all matters as are
commonly the subject matter or rules regulations or bi-laws of a club. |
20.3 |
For such a meeting, any member
who cannot be present and wished to be counted may forward a letter to the
secretary before said meeting displaying their views and
submissions. |
21.1 |
Any member wishing to apply for
Historic Registration must make application to the clubs registration officer.
The member must be financial and have attended at least 3 club runs, within a
six month period. |
21.2 |
New members must be financial
for six months before application can be made. |
21.3 |
All applications must be made
in writing. |
21.4 |
Members will undertake to abide
by Queensland Transport guidelines for use of vehicles with Special Interest
Vehicle Concession Registration. |
22 |
Duties of Immediate Past
President |
22.1 |
To assist with any passing
knowledge to enable the smooth running of the club and a link with the previous
direction of the past committees. |
23 |
Duties of the Registration
Officer |
23.1 |
To keep a record of Historical
Registered Vehicles/Special Interest Vehicles. |
23.2 |
To inspect members vehicles and
verify compliance with the Transport Authority regulations and requirements and
complete the clubs verifying certificate. |
23.3 |
To maintain a log book of all
non gazetted movements of the abovementioned vehicles. |
23.4 |
To have custody of any relevant
documents/manuals to enable carrying of the duties of registration
officer. |
23.5 |
In matters of Special Interest
Concession Registration, the registration officer has discretionary power to
waive ruling on membership as he sees fit in the matter by seeking the majority
vote of members present at the next general
meeting. |
24.1 |
As per consumer affairs
regulations. |
25.1 |
As per current regulations of
the Department of Transport. |
1 |
Alcohol consumption will only
be tolerated within defined spaces and must not affect the overall image of the
club. |
2. |
Members will obey all road
rules and drive safely at all times. |
3. |
All members must conduct
themselves in an orderly fashion at club meetings and outings. |
4. |
All members are requested to
notify the club of their inability to attend club functions and general
meetings. |
5. |
Committee members are
ineligible for attendance trophies at years end. |
6. |
The use of the clubs name or
logo whether implied or inferred by any club member for private or business use
is prohibited. |
7. |
These bi-laws do not exclude
the committee in any way. |
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